Monday, November 8, 2010

Notice: SOH to Interview Charles Lundelius, Author of Financial Reporting Fraud

Dear Readers,

On November 11th, I will have the pleasure of interviewing Charles Lundelius, author of Finacial Reporting Fraud. To give you some background, Charles has worked in forensic accounting for 20 years at Big Four and other international firms. In 2009, the Inspector General of the SEC retained Mr. Lundelius and a team of his colleagues to assist in the investigation of the failure of the SEC to uncover Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme. 

If you have any questions that you'd like me to ask Charles, please feel free to email them to me at sleightfraud [at] I will be sure to add them to my list. 



1 comment:

  1. Best of luck, have a good time. Am waiting to read the interview.

